Custom Built Data Application

The "Move More For Life" program aims to promote regular physical activity amongst post-treatment breast cancer survivors in a way that is accessible and sustainable. The program consists of the delivery of three tailored newsletters, designed to provide personalised advice and iterative feedback (derived from individual survey results). Headjam produced all collateral - newsletters, surveys, illustrations and a custom built data application to generate the tailored newsletters.
We were supplied with a series of variables and "message matrices", these were then translated to the final output using a series of Javascript if-then-else statements (eg. if participant answered yes to question 5 then display message 1, else display message 2… and so on). The concept was developed and built in HTML, the final print ready PDF output was styled with CSS and included the addition of graphics, backgrounds, font styling and custom text. The PDF's were printed and delivered to participants. All data can also be downloaded as CSV data files (excel) and can be added to statistics programs as needed.
Are you lost and confused? Don't worry, all you need to know is Headjam can custom develop your ideas and create things you never thought possible.
The suite of 20 illustrations were quite the opposite in the way of development, we left our computers aside and opted for a style that was handmade, crafty, vibrant, energetic and empowering. We used pencil and watercolour, eventually arriving in Photoshop for the finishing touches.
All in all, a very diverse and challenging project that was a lot of fun to work on!