A great way to keep up with Australia's art culture is to check out Opening Hours which "document the burgeoning contemporary low brow arts world, featuring artist interviews, studio visits, exhibition coverage and exclusive behind the scenes content". Low brow as they claim to be, we found their blog post on signage typography to be worth noting in a non-low-brow, awesome way. The blog post features a group exhibition that happened last year in their Sydney studio called Lo-Fi. As you can see, they displayed a fantastic variety of hand painted signs.
We've included some of them in the blog, but you'll have to visit the blog to see them all. They range in different typographical styles, sizes and colours.
We love speaking this sign language. Headjam first learned about The Opening Hours in June when we heard a man named Marty Routledge speak at Sydney's annual creative conference Semi-Permanent. Marty is one of three individuals who make up The Hours. The Hours have many different initiatives you can learn about on their website, including the above mentioned Opening Hours, The Closing Hours and much more. With all these hours they are putting in, we wonder if they sleep!