Great by Association

Micky Pinkerton has been in Headjam's extended family for years, and she and her husband, Stuart have worked on many creative endeavours. This year we are so excited about their new T-shirt initiative, Great by Association.
History suddenly becomes fascinating and fashionable as Great by Association gives each new t-shirt owner a direct connection to interesting historical famous people, all born on the same day. A shirt that you can proudly wear on every birthday, it also gives you incentive to stay the same size. You also gain bragging rights as your chest proudly bares the fellow birthdays of say, Jonny Depp, Jack Daniel, or Leonardo da Vinci! If you don't know one of the people born on your birthday, Great by Association also includes a bio so you can improve your smarts.
We also love their environmental policy, which explains every aspect of production. Through using using recyclable materials, organic cotton, and inks without chemicals, they go above and beyond to be sustainable.
All their Ts are screen-printed, and they have sizes available for kids and adults. Their fun blog of bios details a new individual's birthday each day. We know what we want for our birthdays this year at Headjam!
Check out their site, and don't forget to follow their Pinterest board and like them on Facebook!