180 Websites in 180 Days!

What a load of code!
In our 11 years in operation, Headjam has taken on some pretty hefty web development jobs, but when we found Jennifer Dewalt's web challenge to create 180 websites in 180 days, we knew we'd found a tenacious individual. Before this project, she had no coding experience whatsoever.
Jennifer currently lives in San Francisco, and from the looks of her website, she has a love of bacon, sharks and all things colourful and innovative.
This blog post reveals her rationale for her project.
"With no prior coding experience, I decided I wanted to learn to code. Instead of going through a course or bootcamp, I chose the JFDI approach and followed these three rules:
- Build a different website everyday for 180 consecutive days.
- Every website must be accompanied by a blog post.
- Any code I write must be made publicly available on GitHub (open source) so that everyone can see it."
If you delve deeper into the history, you'll learn that before being a web developer she was a visual artist. When she began making her websites, she started only using a little bit of CSS and Java script.
"Having to produce something everyday forced me not to get hung up on understanding all the details of how something worked. It’s easy as a beginner to get trapped by confusion, dwelling on one concept for a long time, trying to understand it," she writes in her blog.
While we haven't explored every single one of her websites, we have had a lot of fun with a few! We've created colourful music, fed cats fish, counting down time, and making a dude!
She treats web development like an art form, and the project must have been beneficial for her, because now that she's finished her 180 websites, she's started a new website called YumHacker. The point of Yumhacker is to let foodies endorse awesome restaurants and discover new fantastic restaurants throughout San Francisco.
We have a feeling Jennifer's got a big future in web design! If you'd like to learn more, you can follow her learning process on Tumblr and Twitter!

Her very last website, http://jenniferdewalt.com/node/hello_world

Submit your bad habits at http://jenniferdewalt.com/tough_love.html

Have a conversation with yourself at http://jenniferdewalt.com/node/chatty_room

Listen closely when you give the penny to the kitty! http://jenniferdewalt.com/lucky_cat.html

Check out all the different fonts on google!http://jenniferdewalt.com/gfboom/page

Take strange pictures of yourself that merges with others http://jenniferdewalt.com/portrait/photos

Make a button! http://jenniferdewalt.com/button_maker/page