Typography, cafes, nature and murals are some of our favourite things, and when you combine all four, it makes us want to sprout wings and fly to NYC right now! This designer and artist is a bit cryptic about his (or her) age or whereabouts, but there is no doubt that he or she is hard at work. From the Tumblr page to Twitter to Facebook, they've got heaps of work to find inspiration from, ranging from design to photography to handpainted signage.
Headjam loves the Swallow Cafe work in particular because of the dark backgrounds, with bright text and especially the big blue swallow. We love the incorporation of nature as well.
No Entry Design has made our heart flutter, and this is just looking at their work from a birds' eye view. Recently Headjam covered some other great cafe typography and branding, created in Germany. Read our We Like Bikes post to see more.