Spreadable Blog | Headjam Creative Agency | Newcastle, NSW

Web Design: Flexbox Rocks

Written by Luke Kellett | Apr 12, 2013 2:00:00 PM

The word "coding" conjures a few emotions for people. At Headjam we believe those feelings should be curiosity and excitement, but unfortunately confusion is often the most common reaction. If you are not one of those lucky individual who knows coding like the back (end) of your website, we've found this great video explaining the difference between HTML and CSS.

There are even bright individuals out there who have a rough idea of what coding is, and even a few who know about different kinds of codes. For those of you who are already familiar with CSS and HTML5, there's something new and amazing on the horizon!

According to a blogpost from The-Haystack which can be found here, "Flexbox is a nickname for CSS Flexible Box Layout Module. It’s one of a few CSS Working Drafts having to do with visual layout. Flexbox offers us a new box model which has been optimised for laying out user interfaces. In short: the children of a “box” can be ordered either vertically or horizontally within their parent, and we can control what happens to any remaining space. It is possible to nest these boxes, allowing for very complex layouts."

According to this post from webmonkey.com,"HTML5 and CSS 3 offer web developers new semantic tags, native animation tools, server-side fonts and much more, but that’s not the end of the story. In fact, for developers slogging away in the web design trenches, one of the most promising parts of CSS 3 is still just over the horizon — true page layout tools."

Our web design team here at Headjam, are also quite excited about the different web browsers Flexbox is making itself available to! As you can see, Internet Explorer even supports Flexbox, however in their enthusiasm they decided to roll out IE10 supporting the "old" Syntax.

Don't Fear the Internet, Episode 1 from Russ Maschmeyer on Vimeo.